Use of reproductions
The Library provides copies of its holdings for any person or entity requesting them, according to the following rules and regulations:
Non-profit reproductions of works for exclusive research purposes may be requested in accordance with the provisions of Article 37.1 of the Revised Text of the Law on Intellectual Property approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996 of 12 April.
Reproductions of works for private or individual use (neither collective nor for profit) may be requested without the authorisation of the owner of the work, which is copied within the following limits:
- Works in the public domain: All works in the public domain may be copied.
- Works subject to rights: A maximum of 20% of a post-1958 book or a full article from a periodical published after 1958 can be copied.
- Works in the public domain. The images of works in the public domain found on the website and accessible in the digital catalogues of the BNE (Hispanic Digital Library and Digital Periodical and Newspaper Library) are under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license or equivalent.

The use of these images is free of charge and does not require prior authorisation (regardless of whether it is for public non-commercial, commercial or academic use). This use does not entail an exclusive cession, and the origin of the reproduced work must be cited as “Images from the collections of the Biblioteca Nacional de España”.