
The Biblioteca Nacional is the main information and document centre on Spanish and Ibero-American written, graphic and audiovisual culture. Its collections include all kinds of material and its holdings are largely enriched through acquisitions: purchase, copyright, donation and exchange.


Vea Collections by type of material
See Collections by type of material

Manuscripts, cartography, sound files...

Vea thematic Collections
See thematic Collections

The best works, ordered by interests


One of the most important collections in the country both for the quality and the volume of its works

De aetatibus mundi imagines

The collection of engravings can be considered one of the most important of the country, both in quantity and quality. Retains works of the best artists, since the late fifteenth century until today.

El tiempo cortando las alas a cupido

Libros impresos antes del 1 de enero de 1501

Ethica ad Nicomachum
Scores and musicology

Partituras manuscritas e impresas, libros y folletos de música y musicología etc.

Missae sex Philippi Rogerii atrebatensis sacelli regii phonasci musicae peritissimi, & aetatis suae facile principis, ad Philippum Tertium hispaniarum regem
Geography and maps

Formed by a large number of old maps and modern around the world.

[Derrotero del Mediterráneo y costa atlántica]

The most important of all hispanic level both for its size and importance, the richness and variety of funds

Códice de Metz

"extensive and varied range of pictorial developed with a specific purpose that their aim is to survive the timeliness of its message".

[Habilitaciones.. Figuras alegóricas y mitológicas]
Old and private printed works
History of the collection
Retorico (aunque mudo Romance) a la Inmaculada Concepcion de N. Señora ... dedicado a ... Felipe IV ...