


Vea Collections by type of material
See Collections by type of material

Manuscripts, cartography, sound files...

Vea thematic Collections
See thematic Collections

The best works, ordered by interests

Personal and Entity collection

The collection of Personal and Entity Archives of the National Library of Spain gathers the personal documents of important of Spanish culture.


The collection of ePubs created from digitized public domain works, available for free download and reuse.

Composición de fotos de obras de la BDH

Furniture, sculptures, musical instruments, music equipment mechanics, typewriters and industrial equipment related to the arts of the book

Imagen de la colección Histórico-artística

The current collection held by the National Library of Spain (BNE) preserves copies of video games published in our country between 1983 and the present day

Hollywood Monsters
Spanish Web Archive

Collection composed of the web sites that are collected in order to preserve documentary heritage on the Internet.

recurso internet web
Scores and musicology

Partituras manuscritas e impresas, libros y folletos de música y musicología etc.

Missae sex Philippi Rogerii atrebatensis sacelli regii phonasci musicae peritissimi, & aetatis suae facile principis, ad Philippum Tertium hispaniarum regem
Old and private printed works
History of the collection
Retorico (aunque mudo Romance) a la Inmaculada Concepcion de N. Señora ... dedicado a ... Felipe IV ...

"extensive and varied range of pictorial developed with a specific purpose that their aim is to survive the timeliness of its message".

[Habilitaciones.. Figuras alegóricas y mitológicas]