BNE Visit us New users Library cards Reader For anyone interested in available funds issued since 1958. Researcher For anyone interested in available funds issued before 1958. Information for processing of reader card, researcher, library and documentation. Reference rooms User training Training sessions for users who wish to expand their knowledge of the library and the possibilities it offers them. Opening times Schedules, Headquarters, services, museum and Presentations Agenda Visit the library Exhibitions Subscribe to the newsletter of activities How to use the BNE Rules of use and access Rules for the correct use of services and manipulation of the work during its consultation. Reader's guide Brochure contains basic information about the BNE and the services provided Accessibility Facilities for users with disabilities Social networks Follow us! Contact And if you have any doubt, or Frequently asked questions Frequently asked questions with practical information services. Blog BNE Collect articles prepared by BNE staff or by invited firms on collections, services, projects... Services Service charter Our services, commitment and your rights Asset search Catalogues Reference rooms The BNE allows access to their funds in various thematic consultation rooms. Advance request for documents Book the documents before your trip. You can request in advance the funds for a given day Direct request for documents Interlibrary loan for libraries Precios públicos para PIB Any foreign or spanish library can make a request for interlibrary loan a bibliography. Interlibrary loan for users Access to documents of other spanish and foreign libraries, either by replicating or loan of the original work. Library consultations We attend to all types of queries, in person and distance Document reproduction Reproduction types On request Copies of the funds of the BNE in reproduction, using paper, photography and sound and video recordings Self service Direct reproductions, up to a maximum of 20 per cent of books and periodicals complete post-1958 Autocopy Photographs with mobile devices of funds for the BNE Use of reproductions Public prices of document reproduction Payment methods of reprographics Print on Demand Bibliographic information We guide you so that you know the resources of the BNE and get the best out of them Resources for the BNE Thematic guides, authors, virtual exhibitions, collaborative projects and educational proposals Public Domain Authors Open and collaborative list of Spanish authors whose works are in the BNE and enter the public domain each year Information for Librarians Directory of Spanish Press Archives and Libraries (DIBI) Rules, standards and policies of technical process RDA Record supply Download with Z39.50 Descarga con SRU Download files Exporting from Catalog OAI server collection Resources for information professionals and opponents Bibliography for oppositions to Libraries Bibliography for oppositions to Archives Bibliography for oppositions to Archives Researchers Schoolchild Press Services for authors/editors ISSN request ISNI request Services for institutions Valuation service of documents for public institutions Public prices of valuation of documents Loan of works for exhibitions Renting rooms Publications Exhibition catalogues, spanish literature and other technical documentation Catalogues General Catalogue Consultation of bibliographic references to documents held in the library: books, manuscripts, newspapers, graphics, music, audio-visual and sound records. Consult the General Catalogue Biblioteca Digital Hispánica Free and open access to thousands of digitized documents Consult BDH Digital Periodical and Newspaper Library Access to digital collection of historical press spanish Consult Digital Periodical and Newspaper Library Linked data at the BNE Semantic technology access with a data bank of the BNE Consult DatosBNE Authorities catalogue Temporary access to the Catalog of authorities Consult authorities Personal and entities archives Documentary funds as a result of personal and professional activities of key figures of our culture Collective catalogues Bibliographic heritage Periodicals Digital library of the Ibero-American Heritage Other Catalogs Archived websites Spanish bibliography Choir books Agenda The BNE travels Ciclos Histórico de Exposiciones Próximas exposiciones About us Organization History Directors of the BNE Librarians emeritus Bibliography award Image galleries Organization chart Governing bodies Royal Board of Trustees Scientific committee Contact directory Acquisitions Legal deposit Deposit of the digital versions prior to printing Legal deposit offices Legal deposit of online publications Obligation imposed by law or other type of administrative rule, to deposit for one or more libraries copies of the publications published in a country. Purchase Purchase suggestion Purchase of modern holdings Purchase of old holdings In order to enrich and update the bibliographical heritage bibliography purchase annually all kinds of documents both ancient and modern. Exchange Exchange of works, in any documentary, with other libraries and cultural institutions and research. Donation Donation policy Benefits for the donor Economic benefits in the contribution of personal income tax or corporate tax. Other types of donation The concept of donation understood in a broad context contains three specific modalities: donation, legacy and standardised where. Selection of works donated Most important donations made in recent years. The donation is a free help to enrich and increase in the collections. Discard and de-selection Proceso que permite seleccionar ejemplares que integran las colecciones de la BNE Initiatives and cooperation Collaboration with organizations and national and international projects Innovation and Digital Reuse Generation of new knowledge and innovative creations from collections, data and digital tools. Spanish Web Archive Collection of documentary heritage Spanish on the Internet Transparency Our information at your disposal Works in the BNE Calls and selection processes and scholarships for the BNE employment Spanish ISSN Centre International code used to identify serial publications ISNI Registry Agency Globally recognised standard number certified by ISO for identifying individual and corporate authors Fundación Amigos de la BNE Become a friend of the BNE and enjoy all its treasures more closely Collections News