Download with Z39.50

The BNE offers an opportunity to obtain their databases via the Z39.50 search protocol. This protocol is an international standard for the retrieval of information based on the structure client/server, which facilitates the interconnection between computer systems. Enables communication between systems that utilize different hardware and software that allows the creation of simultaneous searches to multiple databases using a single user interface, as well as regaining information only, and export bibliographic records.

New configuration

With the change of library management system should be to modify the Z39.50 clients to access this service of the Bibliography.

If you have any questions or suggestions send an email at

Technical Information

Server name
Database 34BNE_INST
Port 210
Authentication It is not necessary
Availability 24 hours 7 days
Server version 3
Supported services Init Search Present Delete-Result-Set Sort Scan Close
Atributte set  BIB-1
Charset UTF-8
Usage of records MARC21
Composition of the register FULL

If you have any questions or suggestions send an email to: