Spanish National ISSN Centre
What is it?
The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is the international code used to identify serial publications (journals, newspapers, gazettes, yearbooks, series of monographs, etc).
Spain has formed part of the ISSN Network since 1978, the year in which the Spanish ISSN Centre, currently part of the Biblioteca Nacional's Bibliographic Control Department, was created. The Spanish ISSN Centre, which is housed in the Biblioteca Nacional, is the only entity authorised to assign ISSNs to serial publications published in Spain.
How to get it?
- This procedure is free.
- According to RD 1405/2007, of 29 October, businesses and publishers based in Catalonia should consult the Biblioteca de Catalunya
Already existing
- Complete the request form and send it by post to the following address:
Centro Nacional Español del ISSN
Biblioteca Nacional de España
Paseo de Recoletos, 20
28071-Madrid - Also send a copy of the first issue or part (or in lack thereof a photocopy of the front cover and the page including the publisher information) and a copy of the most recent issue..
Yet to be published
- Complete the request form and send it online
- Attach publishing sample of the publication: a copy of the front cover and/or cover, a copy of the page including the publisher information and a copy of the notification of the copyright library number
- Complete the request form and send it online
ISSNs will only be assigned to serial publications that have content with functioning URLs at the time the request is processed.
- In all cases, in order for publications to be correctly identified, it is necessary that the place of publishing and the entity and/or publisher responsible for the edition be clearly stated in one the sections of the publication.
- The copyright library number is a compulsory procedure for any type of media except for online serial publications. This procedure is the responsibility of the publisher.