Propaganda posters
Political ideas they will find the poster a medium through which attract followers and disseminate various positions before the events. The political propaganda was a significant growth in the twentieth century and in particular the spanish political cartelismo had a strong rise since 1931. The poster political consist usually by a shocking picture and a text or slogan convincing and easy to remember. Its origin dates back late nineteenth century and was booming during the first world war, demonstrating that it was an efficient means of propaganda. Like any other kind of cartel, with the arrival of new developments in the area of printing, posters merely typographical errors in the which were advertised since the holding of meetings to the convening of strikes and protests, those in which the image is basic. There Are posters which collar revolutions, the most varied votes or announcing improvements achieved by governments in different fields such as health, education or public safety, etc.
The political sign in spain has experienced a sharp rise between 1931 and 1939 and constituted the main means of dissemination of messages, revolutionaries, describing solidarity, and even education and social reporting. There is significant disparity between the number of posters conserved of republicans and “ national ” due to the fact of having been in republican area cities with further development of the graphic arts.
The library maintains a collection especially significant, both for its quality, for its historic, of posters of the republic and the spanish Civil war. The collection comprises approximately 500 posters published between 1931 and 1939. The initial core of the same was acquired in 1982 to a particular and has increased since then through various acquisitions. Includes political posters (elections generated in various republican elections of trade unions, etc.) and posters of war (recruitment campaigns, of the people's army and national level, health, foreign intervention, posters in the rear ….).
Among its authors are some of the most prominent cartelistas illustrators and spaniards as Josep Renau, José Bardasano, Josep Alumá, Christopher Arteche, Arturo Ballester, Jacint Bofarull, Valentí Castanys, Antoni clavé, Ricard Fábregas, Lorenzo Goñi, Joaquín Martí-bas, Melendreras or Josep Morell.
The study and description of these posters are provided in the catalogue of posters of the republic and the spanish Civil war published by the BNE in 1990.
Although this is one of the most emblematic collections of the library are not the only political posters. Within this block can include all those posters generated by different ministries or Institutional bodies, autonomous state or local committees to the promotion and information from its activities. It also includes the entire posters produced from the advent of democracy in the successive editions than have taken place in Spain since the first campaign in 1976. Through them traceable spanish political developments, since the mere “ Vote ” messages more elaborate or slogans that seek to convey messages implicit.