Exporting from the Catalogue
The export of bibliographic records begins with a search in our catalogue.
On the search results page, there is a button to the left of each record labelled "Save". Click this to add it to a personal list. You can save as many records as you want.
To access your personal list, click on "Saved" on the top toolbar.
On the list management screen you can view, download or email the records you want, with various options.
Click "View/Download" to open a file in a new browser window. Some browsers block these elements and do not allow them to open. To be able to open them on the Library website, follow these steps: Click on Tools at the top of the browser and select "Block Pop-ups". You can then configure your browser for the BNE website and catalogue.
The most important options are View and Output Type.
The three views available for each record are:
- Short: This shows the minimum, essential fields for identifying the works.
- Full: this shows all the fields of the record with bibliographical information.
- Librarian: This shows all the fields in the record, including the control field and some relating to the BNE.
The output type refers to the export format. For readers, we especially recommend the tagged format and the ISBD.
- Tagged: The records selected will appear with tags, i.e. naming the fields: Author, title, edition, subject….
- MARC 21: The file generated shows the fields in MARC view, i.e. with the fields: 001, 100, 245, etc. Each field is in a separate paragraph for legibility.
- ISO 2709: This converts the record into ISO 2709 format. This format encodes the record in such a way that the Library Management Systems (SIGB) can interpret it and incorporate it into their database. It is possible that the Management Systems will not directly recognise the 2709 format. There are different software applications which help to convert the ISO 2709 into a format that is more comprehensible for the SIGB. These include a freeware application that you can download at: http://marcedit.reeset.net/
- MARCXML: MARCXML format is the encoding of a MARC record in XML (eXtensible Markup Language). This format enables various generally used software types and many websites to import, view, etc. these records.
- ISBD: The ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description) standard sets forth the rules for standardised wording of bibliographic records so that these can be read by people in different countries and languages, normally as part of a library catalogue or a bibliography. The record information is in 8 areas separated by different punctuation marks. After records are emailed in ISBD format, they are received in HTML.
Integration tips
There are various ways to integrate ISO 2709 format records in the different integrated library systems (ISLs) or Sistemas Integrados de Gestión Bibliotecaria (SIGB). The file with the downloaded records from the BNE catalogue will have a different extension depending on the chosen output type:
Output type | File extension |
Tags | .txt |
MARC21 | .txt |
ISO 2709 | .mrc |
MARCXML | .xml |
ISBD | .htm |
Normally, SIGBs can import a file with records in the ISO 2709 format (extension .mrc).
To open a .mrc file and convert it to the MARC21 format (i.e., MARC fields, with each field in a separate paragraph), you can use the MarcEdit software mentioned earlier, specifically, the Marc Breaker function. Just write the file path of the .mrc file and change it to .mrk, and a file will open with a record in MARC21 view.