María Moliner reading room

Winter schedule Rooms


From Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8 p.m

Direct request for documents: from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.


2nd floor South side

+34 91 580 78 37
Additional information

The eviction of the reading rooms start 15 minutes before closing time.

Room documents


Reference works on all subjects organized according to the CDU, national, regional and international encyclopedias, dictionaries of the language, Spanish and other languages, monolingual and multilingual, collective biographical dictionaries, complete works of significant authors, collections of Greek classics and Latin, collections of Spanish classics and a library of Christian authors.

How to access them?

  • Advance request. It is advisable to use this service since it allows you to reserve documents from the catalog before coming to the Library.
  • Direct request. Allows you to request up to a maximum of 3 volumes.
  • Documents in free access. Reference works that can be taken directly from the shelves


Search engine for free-access documents

Consultation computers
Related contents
General information
Library Cards

Information for processing the reader and researcher card.

Direct request for documents

Allows users to request documents directly in each room without having to book them in advance

Advance request for documents

Allows users to book from the Internet documents that need to consult before coming to the library.

Document reproduction

The library provides a service of reproduction of documents with the objective of facilitating access to information.