Literary manuscripts

The collection of literary manuscripts of the BNE by its richness and variety allowed mileage of the history of spanish literature since its inception until the present.

Since the copy of the Per AbadMy poem by Cidthrough important examples as the medievalThe book of Good loveorThe book of Alexandreas the renaissance; Cancionero of Lope de Stúñiga; and, especially the many autographs theatrical productions of the golden representing feathers more relevant to our literature as Lope de Vega, Quevedo, calderón, etc. The 19th century also offers a wide image of the most relevant to this point, which should be set of autographs of Benito Pérez Galdós and the roles of Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch, isolated autographs of Emilia Pardo Bazán or Clarín Bécquer, among others. The fund of the twentieth century offers a complete picture of testimonies manuscripts of the most important writers all literary genres of our literature in autographs of the poetry of Antonio Machado, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Luis Cernuda, Federico García Lorca or Rafael Alberti; the prose of Vincent Congress Palace or Pío Baroja; el teatro de Jacinto Benavente, the brothers Álvarez Quintero or Enrique Jardiel Poncela etc.. A list that continues today with the arrival of epistolarios loose and drafts of major players in the contemporary literature as Rafael Morales, Roberto Bolaño or hispanista Mathilde Pomés, which put the collection of manuscripts of the BNE a prominent place in our bibliographic heritage.