
The Internet is a challenge when it comes to preserving the information it houses, as websites are continually created and disappear. The collection of Risk aims to keep a copy of those websites in danger of disappearance, in order to avoid the final loss of their contents.

Information about the closure may appear in the media or on the websites themselves concerned, but it is often the visitors themselves who alert us: with their invaluable help, they contribute to the preservation of the documentary heritage on the Internet for future generations.

Websites that are going to be profoundly reformed are also being conserved, as the previous versions provide a great deal of information about a particular time in the history of the Internet.

Whether your website is going to disappear or you know any in this situation, feel free to write to archivoweb@bne.es.

Description: Wikispaces was a space for the development of virtual communities in which users could develop collaborative content of all kinds, and it was widely used among educational communities for the creation of didactic projects. The closure of Wikispaces resulted in the disappearance of these resources, from which it was possible to preserve a large sample that offers a photograph of what this initiative was.
Yahoo forums in Spanish
Description: The popular Yahoo forums throughout the 2000s allowed users to interact around specific topics, create communities, and share information. The conserved material allows diving in the descriptions of the groups, revealing different themes, and knowing the configuration and rules of use that existed within them.
Portal Terra.com
Description: The portal Terra.com, which offered digital services such as news, entertainment or email, was one of the first popular digital platforms in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, with a huge impact between the late 1990s and early 2000s. Its closing of operations, on June 30, 2017, made it a priority to capture a sample of what this pioneering domain was.
Circle of readers
Description: The Circle of Readers has been one of the most emblematic institutions related to reading in Spain. Founded in 1962, this reading club that offered to buy books by catalog and at home encouraged reading among millions of Spanish households, and it is essential to know in depth the reading habits in Spain until its decline and closure in 2019.
Missing journals
Description: The Archivo de la Web Española started storing serial publications online since its creation in 2009. Thanks to this set of archived websites and the registration of the ISSN, the Archivo de la Web Española now allows to retrieve a set of missing journals on the Internet. In the downloadable file, which will be updated periodically, four sets of magazines grouped by the quality of the catches can be consulted:
  • High: the web is displayed correctly, you can browse all the links, all the numbers or a vast majority of PDF articles can be downloaded.
  • Media: the most important content of the website is displayed, at least half of the pdf is downloaded, or the articles have been saved in at least HTML.
  • Low: the content does not correspond to the title of the journal, most resources have not been archived.
  • Not archived: there is no capture of the resource.

Missing journals

Archived websites