MX1 - BNE Organization History Organization chart Governing bodies Royal Board of Trustees Scientific committee Actividad institucional Contact directory Acquisitions Legal deposit Obligation imposed by law or other type of administrative rule, to deposit for one or more libraries copies of the publications published in a country. Purchase In order to enrich and update the bibliographical heritage bibliography purchase annually all kinds of documents both ancient and modern. Exchange Exchange of works, in any documentary, with other libraries and cultural institutions and research. Donation The donation is a free help to enrich and increase in the collections. Discard and de-selection Proceso que permite seleccionar ejemplares que integran las colecciones de la BNE Initiatives and cooperation Collaboration with organizations and national and international projects Innovation and Digital Reuse Generation of new knowledge and innovative creations from collections, data and digital tools. Spanish Web Archive Collection of documentary heritage Spanish on the Internet Transparency Our information at your disposal Works in the BNE Calls and selection processes and scholarships for the BNE employment Spanish ISSN Centre International code used to identify serial publications ISNI Registry Agency Globally recognised standard number certified by ISO for identifying individual and corporate authors Fundación Amigos de la BNE Become a friend of the BNE and enjoy all its treasures more closely