Discard and de-selection
From 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Due to the result of the discard and de-selection processes, the BNE offers the transfer of batches of books, discarded and/or de-selected, selected by theme, to cultural institutions in the public sector. The requesting institution may choose the batches of books among these topics:
- Art
- Social sciences
- Science and technology
- History
- Textbooks
- Children´s literature
- Youth literature
- Adults literature
- Music
- Religion and philosophy
- Health
- Travel
Periodically, the BNE will open a period of 2 months in order that interested institutions can apply for these batches.
Who can request these discarded and de-selected books of the BNE?
In the case of discarded and de-selected works that are in good condition, the BNE determines to offer free transfer to other public institutions, autonomous communities, local entities or public foundations, for the realization of public or social interest purposes, provided that the activity of the assignee is connected to the purposes that are specific of the BNE.
How can I request batches of discard and de-selection works from the BNE?
Libraries and public institutions interested in receiving these publications, should complete the application form that can be found in this website and mark those areas of interest in order to apply, within 2 months, for a batch of books that adapts to the needs and purposes of the requesting institution.
Should, in addition, add to the request the document with the affidavit, where they undertake to abide by the following commitments:
- Non-use the works received for purposes other than those for which the assignment is allowed free and undertakes not to alienate through legal business traslativo, typical or atypical, onerous.
- It will also ensure the conservation of publications in appropriate circumstances, as well as access by users.
The requesting institution must submit both documents, signed and sealed, to the BNE via email expurgo@bne.es. The applications will be attended by strict order of receipt.
Once the transfer has been granted and the availability of the batches awarded has been communicated, the requesting institution will be responsible for collecting, within one month, of publications in the BNE, within the following schedule: Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. by appointment.
Solicitud de cesión de obras expurgadas y/o desestimadas (PDF - 437 KB) Declaración jurada para la cesión de obras expurgadas (PDF - 437 KB) Resolución de la Dirección de la BNE por la que se determinan las reglas de la enajenación de ejemplares expurgados de la BNE a entidades públicas (PDF - 628 KB)