Títulos de revistas en línea comprados de forma permanente
Estas revistas pueden consultarse a través del Catálogo (acceso disponible solo desde la Biblioteca Nacional de España)
Academic and Library Computing | 2575-7261; 1055-4769 | EMERALD | 1991-1992 |
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal | 1758-4205; 1368-0668 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Acquisition librarian | 1544-435X; 0896-3576 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2008-2011,2013-2016 |
Advanced Composite Materials | 1568-5519 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007-2012 |
African and Asian Studies | 1569-2108 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology | 1758-4213; 1748-8842 | EMERALD | 1929-1996,2007-2008 |
American Political Science Review | 1537-5943 | Cambridge University Press | 2007 |
Ancient Mesoamerica | 1469-1787 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2013 |
Animal Biology | 1570-7563 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science | 1552-3349 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature | 1467-8314 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Annual Reviev of Cognitive linguistics | 1572-0276 ; 1877-976X | John Benjamins Publishing | 2007 |
Anthropology Today | 1467-8322 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2000-2011 |
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials | 1758-4221; 0003-5599 | EMERALD | 1954-1996,2007-2008 |
Applied Herpetology | 1570-7547 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2009 |
Arab Law Quarterly | 1573-0255 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy | 1474-0524 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2009-2011 |
Arcadia (Berlin. Internet) | 1613-0642 | Walter de Gruyter | 2007,2009-2014 |
Archaeological Reports | 2041-4102; 0570-6084; | Cambridge University Press | 1950- |
Archival Science | 1573-7519 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 2001-2010 |
Archives & records: Journal of the Archives and Records Association | 1465-3907 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2009-2016 |
Archives européennes de Sociologie = European Journal of Sociology | 1474-0583 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2009-2011 |
Argumentation | 1572-8374 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Aries | 1570-0593 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Artificial Intelligence Review | 1573-7462 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Asia Europe Journal - Intercultural Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities | 1612-1031 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 2003-2010 |
Asia Pacific International Journal of Marketing | 2396-913X; 0954-7517 | EMERALD | 1989-1993 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics | 1758-4248; 1355-5855 | EMERALD | 1993-1997,2007-2009 |
Asian Medicine | 1573-4218 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2005-2014 |
Asian Review of Accounting | 1758-8863; 1321-7348 | EMERALD | 1992-2005,2008-2009 |
Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law | 1571-8158 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2000-2010 |
Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives | 1758-3748; 0001-253X | EMERALD | 1949-1998,2001-2012 |
Assembly Automation | 1758-4078; 0144-5154 | EMERALD | 1980-1993,2007-2008 |
Babel - Revue Internationale de la Traduction | 1569-9668; 0521-9744 | John Benjamins Publishing | 2006-2011, 2013 |
Baltic Journal of Management | 1746-5273; 1746-5265 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Behavioral and Social Science Librarian | 1544-4546 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2008-2012 |
Benchmarking: An International Journal | 1758-4094; 1463-5771 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
BLL Review | 2396-9075; 0305-6503 | EMERALD | 1973-1977 |
British Food Journal | 1758-4108; 0007-070X | EMERALD | 1899-1993,2007-2009 |
British Journal for the History of Science | 1474-001X | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
British Journal of Aesthetics | 1468-2842 | Oxford Journals | 2003 |
British Journal of Politics and International Relations | 1467-856X | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1999-2011 |
British Journal of Sociology | 1468-4446 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1999-2011,2013 |
Bulletin of Latin American Research | 0261-3050; 1470-9856 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America | 1478-3428 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007,2009-2016 |
Business Process Management Journal | 1758-4116; 1463-7154 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Business Strategy Series | 1751-5645|y1751-5637 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies | 1749-625X; 0307-0131 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2006,2009-2011 |
Campus-Wide Information Systems | 2054-5576; 1065-0741 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Career Development International | 1758-6003; 1362-0436 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Cartographic Journal | 1743-2774 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007 |
Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies | 1757-1901 | Intellect Ltd Publishing | 2009-2016 |
Central European History | 1569-1616 | Cambridge University Press | 2007 |
Chinese Management Studies | 1750-6158; 1750-614X | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Church History and Religious Culture | 1871-2428 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Circuit World | 1758-602X; 0305-6120 | EMERALD | 1974-1995,2007-2008 |
Classical Quarterly | 1471-6844 | Cambridge University Press | 2006-2007,2009-2011 |
Classical Review | 1464-3561 | Cambridge University Press | 2006-2007,2009-2011 |
Clinical Governance: An International Journal | 1758-6038; 1477-7274 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Collection Building | 2054-5592; 0160-4953 | EMERALD | 1978-1995,1997-2012 |
College and Undergraduate Libraries | 1545-2530 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2008-2012 |
Colonial Latin American Review | 1466-1802; 1060-9164 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007,2009-2011, 2013-2016 |
Communication Research | 0093-6502 | SAGE Publications | 2007, 2009 |
Comparative Sociology | 1569-1330 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Comparative Studies in Society and History | 1475-2999 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering | 2054-5606; 0332-1649 | EMERALD | 1982-1995,2007-2008 |
Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal | 2051-3143; 1059-5422 | EMERALD | 1991-2004,2008-2009 |
Composite Interfaces | 1568-5543 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007-2012 |
Computer Journal - Oxford | 1460-2067 | Oxford Journals | 2003 |
Computer Networks | 1389-1286 | Elsevier | 2010-2011 |
Constellations | 1467-8675 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management | 1477-0857; 1471-4175 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
Contemporary European History | 1469-2171 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2009-2011 |
Continental Philosophy Review | 1573-1103 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Corporate Communications: An International Journal | 1758-6046; 1356-3289 | EMERALD | 1996-1998,2007-2009 |
Corporate Governance | 1758-6054; 1472-0701 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Critical Perspectives on International Business | 1758-6062; 1742-2043 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Critical Studies in Media Communication | 1479-5809; 1529-5036 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2005-2007,2009-2011 |
Critique of Anthropology | 1460-3721 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal | 1758-6089; 1352-7606 | EMERALD | 1994-1997,2007-2009 |
Crustaceana | 1568-5403 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Current Sociology | 0011-3921 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Designed Monomers and Polymers | 1568-5551 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007-2012 |
Development and Change | 1467-7660 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011,2013 |
Development and Learning in Organizations | 1758-6097; 1477-7282 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Diachronica - Internationale Zeitschrift fur Historische Linguistik | 1569-9714 | John Benjamins Publishing | 2007-2010 |
Dialectica (Bern) | 1746-8361 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2007,2011 |
Direct Marketing: An International Journal | 1750-5941; 1750-5933 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Disaster Prevention and Management | 1758-6100; 0965-3562 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Discourse and Communication | 1750-4821 | SAGE Publications | 2009 |
Discourse and Society | 0957-9265 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Early Music | 1741-7260 | Oxford Journals | 2003 |
Early Science and Medicine | 1573-3823 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2000-2010 |
Economic History Review | 1468-0289 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2010 |
Economica | 1468-0335 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2010 |
Editio (Tubingen) | 1865-9446; 0931-3079 | Walter de Gruyter | 2010-2013 |
Education + Training | 1758-6127; 0040-0912 | EMERALD | 1959-1993,2007-2009 |
Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues | 1753-7991; 1753-7983 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
Educational Studies - Basingstoke | 1465-3400 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007 |
Eighteenth-Century Fiction | 0840-6286 | University of Toronto Press | Vol. 22 (2009) |
Employee Counselling Today | 2054-5614; 0955-8217 | EMERALD | 1989-1993 |
Employee Relations: An International Journal | 1758-7069; 0142-5455 | EMERALD | 1979-1993,2007-2009 |
Engineering Computations | 1758-7077; 0264-4401 | EMERALD | 1984-1995,2008-2008 |
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management | 1365-232X; 0969-9988 | EMERALD | 1994-2002,2007-2009 |
English Historical Review | 1477-4534 | Oxford Journals | 2003 |
Environmental Management and Health | 1758-7085; 0956-6163 | EMERALD | 1990-1993 |
Equal Opportunities International | 1758-7093; 0261-0159 | EMERALD | 1981-1997,2007-2009 |
Erkenntnis | 1572-8420 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Ethnos (London) | 1469-588X; 0014-1844 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007,2009-2011 |
EuroMed Journal of Business | 1758-888X; 1450-2194 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
European Business Review | 1758-7107; 0955-534X | EMERALD | 1989-1993,2007-2009 |
European History Quarterly | 0265-6914 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
European Journal of Communication | 0267-3231 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
European Journal of Development Research, The | 1743-9728 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007 |
European Journal of Health Law | 1571-8093 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
European Journal of Innovation Management | 1758-7115; 1460-1060 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
European Journal of Marketing | 1758-7123; 0309-0566 | EMERALD | 1967-2009 |
European Journal of Migration and Law | 1571-8166 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
European Journal of Population | 1572-9885 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought | 1469-5936 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007 |
European Review of Economic History | 1474-0044 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2009-2010 |
European Review of History | 1469-8293 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007 |
European Societies | 1469-8307; 1461-6696 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2005-2007,2009-2010 |
Exchange | 1572-543X | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Facilities | 1758-7131; 0263-2772 | EMERALD | 1983-1993,2007-2009 |
Foresight | 1465-9832; 1463-6689 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Forum for Modern Language Studies | 1471-6860 | Oxford Journals | 2003 |
Gender in Management: An International Journal | 1754-2421; 1754-2413 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
Geographical Journal, The | 1475-4959 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2007,2011, 2013-2014, 2016 |
GeoJournal | 1572-9893 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Global Media and Communication | 1742-7673 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Government and Opposition | 1477-7053 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Greece and Rome | 1477-4550 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2009-2011 |
Handbook of Business Strategy | 2054-1775; 1077-5730 | EMERALD | 2000-2003 |
Hawwa | 1569-2086 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Health Education | 1758-714X; 0965-4283 | EMERALD | 1992-1993,2007-2009 |
Helsinki Monitor | 1571-814X | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007 |
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences | 0739-9863 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Hispanic Research Journal | 1745-820X; 1468-2737 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2006,2009-2016 |
Historian, The | 1540-6563 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2010 |
Historical Journal - London | 1469-5103 | Cambridge University Press | 2007 |
Historical Materialism | 1569-206X | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Historiographia Linguistica | 1569-9781 | John Benjamins Publishing | 2007 |
History : The Journal of the Historical Association | 1468-229X | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011, 2013 |
History and Theory | 1468-2303 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
History of European Ideas | 0191-6599 | Elsevier | 2010-2011 |
History of Photography | 0308-7298; 2150-7295; | Taylor & Francis Group | 2010-2016 |
History Workshop Journal | 1477-4569 | Oxford Journals | 2003 |
Human Resource Management International Digest | 1758-7166; 0967-0734 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Human Rights Case Digest | 1571-8131 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2006-2008 |
Humanomics | 1758-7174; 0828-8666 | EMERALD | 1989-2005 |
Iberoromania (Ibero-Romania) | 1865-9039 | Walter de Gruyter | 2011-2016 |
Indian Growth and Development Review | 1753-8262; 1753-8254 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
Indogermanische Forschungen | 1613-0405 | Walter de Gruyter | 2010-2011 |
Industrial and Commercial Training | 1758-5767; 0019-7858 | EMERALD | 1969-1993,2007-2009 |
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology | 1758-5775; 0036-8792 | EMERALD | 1948-1993,2007-2008 |
Industrial Management & Data Systems | 1758-5783; 0263-5577 | EMERALD | 1970-1993,2007-2009 |
Industrial Robot : an International Journal | 1758-5791; 0143-991X | EMERALD | 1973-1993,2007-2008 |
Info : The Journal of Policy, Regulation and Strategy for | 1465-9840; 1463-6697 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Information Communication and Society | 1468-4462 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007 |
Information Development | 1741-6469 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Information Management & Computer Security | 1758-5805; 0968-5227 | EMERALD | 1993,2005-2009 |
Information Society, The | 1087-6537; 0197-2243; | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004,2007,2009-2011 |
Information Technology & People | 1758-5813; 0959-3845 | EMERALD | 1982-1989,1992,2007-2009 |
Integrated Manufacturing Systems | 1758-583X; 0957-6061 | EMERALD | 1990-1993 |
Interactive Technology and Smart Education | 1758-8510; 1741-5659 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
Interlending & Document Supply | 1758-5848; 0264-1615 | EMERALD | 1983-1993,1996-2012 |
Interlending Review | 2059-9374; 0140-2773 | EMERALD | 1978-1982 |
International African Bibliography (Quarterly) | 0020-5877 | Walter de Gruyter | 2011 |
International Communication Gazette | 1748-0493 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
International Community Law Review | 1871-9732 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
International Criminal Law Review | 1571-8123 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
International Economic Review | 1468-2354 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1999-2010 |
International History Review, The | 1949-6540 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2009-2013 |
International Information and Library Review | 1057-2317 | Elsevier | 2010-2011 |
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion | 1572-8684 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
International Journal of Accounting and Information Management | 1758-9037; 1834-7649 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
International Journal of Advertising and Marketing to Children | 2396-9156; 1464-6676 | EMERALD | 1999-2001 |
International Journal of Bank Marketing | 1758-5937; 0265-2323 | EMERALD | 1983-1993,2007-2009 |
International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology | 1758-5953; 0955-6222 | EMERALD | 1989-1993,2007-2008 |
International Journal of Commerce and Management | 1758-8529; 1056-9219 | EMERALD | 1991-2003,2008-2009 |
International Journal of Conflict Management | 1758-8545; 1044-4068 | EMERALD | 1990-2009 |
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | 1757-1049; 0959-6119 | EMERALD | 1989-1993,2007-2009 |
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research | 1750-6190; 1750-6182 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
International Journal of Developmental Issues | 1758-8553; 1446-8956 | EMERALD | 2003-2006 |
International Journal of Educational Management | 1758-6518; 0951-354X | EMERALD | 1987-1993,2007-2009 |
International Journal of Emerging Markets | 1746-8817; 1746-8809 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
International Journal of Energy Sector Management | 1750-6239; 1750-6220 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research | 1758-6534; 1355-2554 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance | 1758-6542; 0952-6862 | EMERALD | 1988-1993,2007-2009 |
International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis | 1753-8289; 1753-8270 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
International Journal of Iberian studies | 1758-9150 | Intellect Ltd Publishing | 2008-2012 |
International Journal of Information Management | 0268-4012 | Elsevier | 2010-2011 |
International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics | 1756-3798; 1756-378X | EMERALD | 2008 |
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management | 1753-8408; 1753-8394 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
International Journal of Law and Management | 1754-2448; 1754-243X | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
International Journal of Managerial Finance | 1758-6569; 1743-9132 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business | 1753-8386; 1753-8378 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
International Journal of Manpower | 1758-6577; 0143-7720 | EMERALD | 1980-1993,2007-2009 |
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law | 1571-8085 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
International Journal of Middle East Studies | 1471-6380 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow | 1758-6585; 0961-5539 | EMERALD | 1991-1996,2007-2008 |
International Journal of Operations & Production Management | 1758-6593; 0144-3577 | EMERALD | 1980-1993,2007-2009 |
International Journal of Organizational Analysis | 2576-0785; 1055-3185 | EMERALD | 1993-2003 |
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications | 1742-738X; 1742-7371 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing | 1750-6131; 1750-6123 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
International Journal of Physical Distribution | 1747-3691; 0020-7527 | EMERALD | 1971-1977 |
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management | 1758-664X; 0960-0035 | EMERALD | 1990-1993,2007-2009 |
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management | 1747-3683; 0269-8218 | EMERALD | 1978-1989 |
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management | 1758-6658; 1741-0401 | EMERALD | 2006-2009 |
International Journal of Psychoanalysis, The | 1745-8315 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2001-2011 |
International Journal of Public Sector Management | 1758-6666; 0951-3558 | EMERALD | 1988-1993,2007-2009 |
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management | 1758-6682; 0265-671X | EMERALD | 1984-1993,2007-2009 |
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management | 1758-6690; 0959-0552 | EMERALD | 1990-1993 |
International Journal of Service Industry Management | 1758-6704; 0956-4233 | EMERALD | 2007-2008 |
International Journal of Social Economics | 1758-6712; 0306-8293 | EMERALD | 1974-1993,2007-2009 |
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy | 1758-6720; 0144-333X | EMERALD | 1981-1997,2007-2009 |
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education | 1758-6739; 1467-6370 | EMERALD | 2007-2008 |
International Journal of Web Information Systems | 1744-0092; 1744-0084 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
International Journal of Wine Business Research | 1751-1070; 1751-1062 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
International Journal of Wine Marketing | 1758-6747; 0954-7541 | EMERALD | 1989-2005 |
International Journal of Workplace Health Management | 1753-836X; 1753-8351 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
International Journal on Digital Libraries | 1432-1300 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights | 1571-8115 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
International Labor and Working Class History | 1471-6445 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
International Marketing Review | 1758-6763; 0265-1335 | EMERALD | 1983-1993,2007-2009 |
International Migration Review | 1747-7379 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2001-2011 |
International Organizations Law Review | 1572-3747 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2008-2010 |
International Political Science Review | 0192-5121 | SAGE Publications | 2007-2009 |
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching | 1613-4141 | Walter de Gruyter | 2007,2009-2011 |
International Review of Education | 1573-0638 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
International Review of Social History | 1469-512X | Cambridge University Press | 1950-2020 |
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science | 1469-9281 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007 |
International Studies Quarterly | 1468-2478 | Oxford Journals | 1996-2020 |
Internet Reference Services Quarterly | 1540-4749 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2008-2012 |
Internet Research | 2054-5657; 1066-2243 | EMERALD | 1991-1993,2005-2009 |
ItNow (It Now) | 1746-5710 | Oxford Journals | 2003 |
Journal for the Study of Judaism | 1570-0631 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Journal of Academic Librarianship | 0099-1333; 1879-1999 | Elsevier | 2010-2016 |
Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change | 1839-5473; 1832-5912 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology | 1568-5616 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007-2012 |
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism | 1540-594X; 1540-6245 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2001-2011 |
Journal of African History | 1469-5138 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2009-2011 |
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions | 1569-2124 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Journal of Arabic Literature | 1570-064x | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Journal of Archival Organization | 1533-2756 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2006,2008-2016 |
Journal of Asian Studies | 1752-0401 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2009-2011 |
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition | 1568-5624 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007-2012 |
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing | 2052-1189; 0885-8624 | EMERALD | 1986-1993,2007-2009 |
Journal of Business Strategy | 2052-1197; 0275-6668 | EMERALD | 1980-2002,2007-2009 |
Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies | 1754-4416; 1754-4408 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
Journal of Clinical Effectiveness | 2396-9148; 1361-5874 | EMERALD | 1996-1998 |
Journal of Communication Management | 1478-0852; 1363-254X | EMERALD | 1996-2000,2007-2009 |
Journal of Consumer Marketing | 2052-1200; 0736-3761 | EMERALD | 1984-1993,2007-2009 |
Journal of Contemporary European Studies | 1478-2790 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007,2009-2011 |
Journal of Contemporary History | 1461-7250 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Journal of Corporate Real Estate | 1479-1048; 1463-001X | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Developing Societies | 1568-5225 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Journal of Documentation | 1758-7379; 0022-0418 | EMERALD | 1945-1996,2002-2012 |
Journal of Ecclesiastical History | 1469-7637 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2009-2011 |
Journal of Economic History | 1471-6372 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,201 |
Journal of Economic Studies | 1758-7387; 0144-3585 | EMERALD | 1974-1993,2007-2009 |
Journal of Educational Administration | 1758-7395; 0957-8234 | EMERALD | 1963-1993,2007-2009 |
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications | 1569-3937 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007-2012 |
Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship | 1941-1278 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2008-2011, 2013-2016 |
Journal of Empirical Theology | 1570-9256 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology | 1758-8901; 1726-0531 | EMERALD | 2003-2004,2008-2009 |
Journal of Enterprise Information Management | 1758-7409; 1741-0398 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy | 1750-6212; 1750-6204 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of European Industrial Training | 1758-7425; 0309-0590 | EMERALD | 1977-1993,2007-2009 |
Journal of European Studies - Chalfont | 1740-2379 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Journal of Facilities Management | 1741-0983; 1472-5967 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management | 1758-7433; 1361-2026 | EMERALD | 1996-2000,2007-2009 |
Journal of Financial Crime | 1758-7239; 1359-0790 | EMERALD | 1993-2002,2007-2009 |
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance | 1740-0279; 1358-1988 | EMERALD | 1992-2001,2007-2009 |
Journal of Geography (Houston. Online) | 1752-6868 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007,2010-2013 |
Journal of Health Organisation and Management | 1758-7247; 1477-7266 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Hellenic Studies | 2041-4099; 0075-4269 | Cambridge University Press | 1880- |
Journal of Historical Geography | 0305-7488 | Elsevier | 2010-2011 |
Journal of Human Development | 1469-9516 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007 |
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities | 1945-2829; 1945-2837 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007, 2009-2010 |
Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting | 1758-745X; 1401-338X | EMERALD | 1996-2004,2007-2009 |
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research | 1540-3572; 2151-9668 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2013-2016 |
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies (Abingdon) | 1469-9524; 1470-1847; 2151-9668; | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007,2009-2012 |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History | 1743-9329; 0308-6534 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004,2006-2007,2009-2010 |
Journal of Information Science | 1741-6485 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society | 1758-8871; 1477-996X | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
Journal of Intellectual Capital | 1758-7468; 1469-1930 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve | 1540-3572 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2006-2017 |
Journal of Internet Cataloging | 1091-1367 | Taylor & Francis Group | 1998-2018 |
Journal of Investment Compliance | 1758-7476; 1528-5812 | EMERALD | 2000-2002,2007-2009 |
Journal of Knowledge Management | 1758-7484; 1367-3270 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies | 1469-9575; 1356-9325 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007,2009-2011 |
Journal of Latin American Studies | 1469-767X | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
Journal of Legal History | 1744-0564; 0144-0365 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004,2006-2007,2009-2010 |
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science | 1741-6477 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning | 1533-2918 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2010 |
Journal of Management History | 1758-7751; 1751-1348 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Management in Medicine | 1758-7441; 0268-9235 | EMERALD | 1986-1993 |
Journal of Managerial Psychology | 1758-7778; 0268-3946 | EMERALD | 1986-1993,2007-2009 |
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | 1758-7786; 1741-038X | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Map and Geography Libraries | 1542-0361 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2006-2016 |
Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies | 1754-6567 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2013-2016 |
Journal of Modelling in Management | 1746-5672; 1746-5664 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Modern African Studies | 1469-7777 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2009-2011 |
Journal of Money Laundering Control | 1758-7808; 1368-5201 | EMERALD | 1997-2002,2007-2009 |
Journal of Moral Philosophy | 1745-5243 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Journal of Musicological Research | 1547-7304; 0141-1896; | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007,2009-2016 |
Journal of New Music Research | 1744-5027; 0929-8215; | Taylor & Francis Group | 2005-2007,2009-2016 |
Journal of Organizational Change Management | 1758-7816; 0953-4814 | EMERALD | 1988-1993,2007-2009 |
Journal of Pentecostal Theology | 1745-5251 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2006/2007-2010 |
Journal of Personality | 1467-6494; 1467-6496 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Journal of Phenomenological Psychology | 1569-1624 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Journal of Place Management and Development | 1753-8343; 1753-8335 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
Journal of Politics, The | 1468-2508 | Chicago University Press. | 2007,2010-2011 |
Journal of Product & Brand Management | 2054-1643; 1061-0421 | EMERALD | 1992-1993,2007-2009 |
Journal of Property Investment & Finance | 1470-2002; 1463-578X | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Property Valuation and Investment | 1758-7867; 0960-2712 | EMERALD | 1991-1993 |
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering | 1758-7832; 1355-2511 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of Religion in Africa | 1570-0666 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Journal of Roman Studies | 1468-2508 | Cambridge University Press | 2010-2011 |
Journal of Service Management | 1757-5826; 1757-5826 | EMERALD | 2009 |
Journal of Services Marketing | 2054-1651; 0887-6045 | EMERALD | 1987-1993,2007-2009 |
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development | 1758-7840; 1462-6004 | EMERALD | 1994-1997,2007-2009 |
Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies | 1469-9818; 1463-6204; | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007,2009-2012,2014-2016 |
Journal of Strategic Information Systems, The | 0963-8687; 1873-1198 | Elsevier | 2010-2012,2014-2015 |
Journal of Technology Management in China | 1746-8787; 1746-8779 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology | 1532-2890 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2007 |
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient | 1568-5209 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | 1467-9655 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2000-2011 |
Journal of Urban History | 1552-6771 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Journal of Valuation | 2396-9067; 0263-7480 | EMERALD | 1983-1990 |
Journal of Workplace Learning | 1758-7859; 1366-5626 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Journal of World Intellectual Property | 1747-1796 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2007-2011, 2013 |
KronoScope | 1568-5241 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Kybernetes : International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics | 1758-7883; 0368-492X | EMERALD | 1972-1993,2007-2009 |
Language in Society | 1469-8013 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
Language Resources and Evaluation | 1574-0218 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Language Teaching | 1475-3049 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2009-2010 |
Latin American Perspectives | 1552-678X | SAGE Publications | 2007-2009 |
Leadership & Organization Development Journal | 1472-5347; 0143-7739 | EMERALD | 1980-1993,2007-2009 |
Leadership in Health Services | 1751-1887; 1751-1879 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Library and Archival Security | 0196-0075; 1540-9511 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2008-2013 |
Library and Information History | 1758-3497 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007,2009-2016 |
Library and Information Science Research | 0740-8188; 1873-1848 | Elsevier | 2010-2016 |
Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services | 1464-9055; 1873-1821 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2014-2015 |
Library Hi Tech | 2054-166X; 0737-8831 | EMERALD | 1983-1996,2003-2012 |
Library Hi Tech News | 2054-1678; 0741-9058 | EMERALD | 2005-2012 |
Library History | 1745-8161 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007,2009-2016 |
Library Management | 1758-7921; 0143-5124 | EMERALD | 1979-1993,1996-2012 |
Library Review | 1758-793X; 0024-2535 | EMERALD | 1927-1993,1996-2012 |
Library Workstation and PC Report | 2688-9811; 0894-9158 | EMERALD | 1987-1988 |
Library Workstation Report | 2575-565X; 1041-7923 | EMERALD | 1989-1991 |
Library, The | 1744-8581 | Oxford Journals | 1889-1995, 2003, 2005-2009 |
Libri. International Journal of Libraries and Information Studies | 1865-8423 | Walter de Gruyter | 2010 |
Linguisticae Investigationes | 1569-9927 | John Benjamins Publishing | 2007 |
Linguistics and Philosophy | 1573-0549 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Logistics Information Management | 1758-7948; 0957-6053 | EMERALD | 1989-1993 |
Logistics World | 2396-9121; 0953-2137 | EMERALD | 1988-1989 |
Lusotopie | 1768-3084 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2009 |
M300 and PC Report | 2575-6788; 0743-7633 | EMERALD | 1984-1987 |
Management Decision | 1758-6070; 0025-1747 | EMERALD | 1967-1993,2007-2009 |
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal | 1758-6119; 1477-7835 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Management Research News | 1758-6135; 0140-9174 | EMERALD | 1978-1997,2007-2009 |
Managerial Auditing Journal | 1758-7735; 0268-6902 | EMERALD | 1986-1993,2007-2009 |
Managerial Finance | 1758-7743; 0307-4358 | EMERALD | 1975-1997,2007-2009 |
Managerial Law | 1758-8014; 0309-0558 | EMERALD | 1966/1967-1997,2007 |
Managing Service Quality | 1758-8030; 0960-4529 | EMERALD | 1991-1993,2007-2009 |
Marketing Intelligence & Planning | 1758-8049; 0263-4503 | EMERALD | 1983-1993,2007-2009 |
Measuring Business Excellence | 1758-8057; 1368-3047 | EMERALD | 1997-1999,2007-2009 |
Media Culture and Society | 1460-3675 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Medieval Archaeology | 1745-817X | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007,2009-2011,2013 |
Medieval History Journal | SAGE Publications | 2009 | |
Mediterranean Historical Review | 1743-940X | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004,2006-2007 |
Mediterranean Politics (London) | 1743-9418; 1362-9395; | Taylor & Francis Group | 2006-2007,2009-2016 |
Microelectronics International | 1758-812X; 1356-5362 | EMERALD | 1982-1995,2007-2008 |
Microform & Digitization Review | 2190-541X | Walter de Gruyter | 2011-2012 |
Middle East Policy | 1475-4967 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Middle Eastern Studies | 1743-7881; 0026-3206 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004,2006-2007,2009-2011 |
Mind Online | 1460-2113 | Oxford Journals | 2003 |
Mnemosyne | 1568-525X | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Modern Drama | 1712-5286; 0026-7694 | University of Toronto Press | Vol. 54 (2011) |
Modern Intellectual History | 1479-2451 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
Modern Theology | 1468-0025 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Multicultural Education & Technology Journal | 1750-4988; 1750-497X | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures | 1573-6105; 1573-6113 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Music Analysis | 0262-5245; 1468-2249 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2008,2011, 2013-2014, 2016 |
Music Reference Services Quarterly | 1540-9503 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2009-2011 |
Musical Quarterly | 1741-8399; 0027-4631 | Oxford Journals | 2002-2004 |
Neohelicon | 1588-2810 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Neophilologus | 1572-8668 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
New Cinemas - Journal of Contemporary Film | 2040-0578 | Intellect Ltd Publishing | 2008-2011 |
New Library World | 1758-6909; 0307-4803 | EMERALD | 1898-1993,1996-2012 |
New Review of Academic Librarianship | 1740-7834 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2006-2007 |
New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship | 1740-7885 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2006-2007 |
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia - Applications and Research | 1740-7842 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007 |
New Review of Information Networking | 1361-4576; 1740-7869 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2005,2007,2010-2011 |
Nordic Journal of International Law | 1571-8107 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
NOÛS | 1468-0068 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2007-2011 |
Novum Testamentum | 1568-5365 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Numen | 1568-5276 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Nutrition & Food Science | 1758-6917; 0034-6659 | EMERALD | 1971-1993,2007-2009 |
OCLC Micro | 2377-620X; 8756-5196 | EMERALD | 1985-1992 |
OCLC Systems & Services | 2054-1694; 1065-075X | EMERALD | 1993,2005-2012 |
On The Horizon | 2054-1708; 1074-8121 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Online and CD-Rom Review | 2396-9105; 1353-2642 | EMERALD | 1993-1998 |
Online Information Review | 1468-4535; 1468-4527 | EMERALD | 2000-2012 |
Online Review | 2396-9091; 0309-314X | EMERALD | 1977-1992 |
Orbis Litterarum | 1600-0730 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Organizational Analysis | 1559-5463; 1551-7470 | EMERALD | 2004 |
Oud Holland - Quarterly for Dutch Art History | 1875-0176 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Oxford Art Journal | 1741-7287 | Oxford Journals | 2003 |
Pacific Accounting Review | 2041-5494; 0114-0582 | EMERALD | 1997-2003,2008-2009 |
Palestine Exploration Quarterly | 1743-1301 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2005-2006 |
Past and Present (Oxford) | 1477-464X | Oxford Journals | 2003 |
Performance Measurement and Metrics | 1758-6925; 1467-8047 | EMERALD | 2005-2012 |
Personnel Review | 1758-6933; 0048-3486 | EMERALD | 1971-1993,2007-2009 |
Perspectives on Global Development and Technology | 1569-1497 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Perspectives on Politics | 1541-0986 | Cambridge University Press | 2007 |
Philosophical Explorations | 1741-5918 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2006-2007 |
Philosophical Investigations | 1467-9205 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Philosophical Issues | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2000-2011 | |
Philosophical Perspectives | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2003-2011 | |
Philosophical Quarterly, The | 1467-9213 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Philosophical Studies | 1573-0883 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Philosophy | 1469-817X | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research | 1933-1592 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2001-2011,2013 |
Philosophy and Public Affairs | 1088-4963 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011,2013 |
Philosophy of the Social Sciences | 1552-7441 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Phronesis | 1568-5284 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Pigment & Resin Technology | 1758-6941; 0369-9420 | EMERALD | 1972-1996,2007-2008 |
Planning Review | 2377-7613; 0094-064X | EMERALD | 1975-1996 |
Policing: An International Journal | 1758-695X; 1363-951X | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Political Insight | 2041-9066 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2010-2011 |
Political Studies | 1467-9248 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Political Studies Review | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2003-2011 | |
Politics | 1467-9256 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Population Space and Place | 1544-8452 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2007 |
Population Studies : a journal of demography | 0032-4728; 1477-4747 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007,2009-2011 |
Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture | 2195-2965 | Walter de Gruyter | 2013-2014 |
Probus (Berlin. Internet) | 1613-4079 | Walter de Gruyter | 2007,2009-2011 |
Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems | 1758-7301; 0033-0337 | EMERALD | 1966-1996,2001-2012 |
Progress in Human Geography | 1477-0288 | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Property Management | 1758-731X; 0263-7472 | EMERALD | 1983-1993,2007-2009 |
PS Political Science and Politics | 1537-5935 | Cambridge University Press | 2007 |
Public Library Quarterly (Nueva York, N.Y.) | 1541-1540 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2008-2011 |
Public Services Quarterly | 1522-9114 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2006-2007, 2009-2016 |
Quaerendo | 1570-0690 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal | 1758-7646; 1352-2752 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management | 1758-7654; 1176-6093 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal | 1746-5656; 1746-5648 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Quality Assurance in Education | 1758-7662; 0968-4883 | EMERALD | 1993,2007-2009 |
Rapid Prototyping Journal | 1758-7670; 1355-2546 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Ratio | 1467-9329 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Ratio Juris | 1467-9337 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Records Management Journal | 1758-7689; 0956-5698 | EMERALD | 1989-1997,2005-2009 |
Reference Reviews | 1758-7697; 0950-4125 | EMERALD | 2007-2012 |
Reference Services Review | 2054-1716; 0090-7324 | EMERALD | 1973-1996,2003-2009 |
Regional and Federal Studies | 1743-9434 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004,2006-2007 |
Religion and Human Rights | 1871-0328 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Religion and the Arts | 1568-5292 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Religion and Theology | 1574-3012 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Renaissance Studies | 1477-4658 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Resource Sharing and Information Networks | 1541-1125 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2008-2009 |
Retail and Distribution Management | 2396-9083; 0307-2363 | EMERALD | 1973-1989 |
Review - Literature and Arts of the Americas | 1743-0666 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007 |
Review of Accounting and Finance | 1758-7700; 1475-7702 | EMERALD | 2002,2005-2009 |
Review of Behavioral Finance | 1940-5987; 1940-5979 | EMERALD | 2009 |
Review of Central and East European Law | 1573-0352 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Review of International Political Economy | 1466-4526 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007 |
Review of International Studies | 1469-9044 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
Review of Politics | 1748-6858 | Cambridge University Press | 2007 |
Review of Rabbinic Judaism | 1570-0704 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Review of Social Economy | 1470-1162; 0034-6764; | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007,2009-2011 |
Revista de Historia Económica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History | 2041-3335 | Cambridge University Press | 2010-2016 |
Rhetorik | 1865-9160; 0720-5775 | Walter de Gruyter | 2010-2011 |
Romanische Bibliographie | 1865-9055 | Walter de Gruyter | 2010-2011 |
Royal Institute of Philosophy | 1358-2461 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
Rural History | 1474-0656 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
Science and Technology Libraries | 1541-1109 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2006-2011 |
Scientometrics | 1588-2861 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Security and Human Rights | 1875-0230 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2008-2010 |
Seeing and Perceiving | 1878-4763 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2010 |
Sensor Review | 1758-6828; 0260-2288 | EMERALD | 1981-1993,2007-2008 |
Social History (Abingdon) | 1470-1200; 0307-1022 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007,2009-2011 |
Social Networks | 0378-8733 | Elsevier | 2010-2011 |
Social Philosophy and Policy | 1471-6437 | Cambridge University Press | 2007,2010-2011 |
Social Responsibility Journal | 1758-857X; 1747-1117 | EMERALD | 2005-2006,2008-2009 |
Social Science and Missions | 1874-8945 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Societies Without Borders | 1872-1915 | Case Wester Reserve University. | 2007-2010 |
Society & Animals | 1568-5306 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Society and Business Review | 1746-5699; 1746-5680 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Sociolingüística | 0933-1883 | Walter de Gruyter | 2010-2011 |
Soldering & Surface Mount Technology | 1758-6836; 0954-0911 | EMERALD | 1989-2008 |
South European Society and Politics | 1743-9612; 1360-8746; | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2011 |
Spanish Economic Review | 1435-5477 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1999-2009 |
Spanish in Context | 1571-0718; 1571-0726 | John Benjamins Publishing | 2007, 2011, 2013-2015 |
Spatial Vision | 1568-5683 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2009 |
Speculum | 2040-8072 | Chicago University Press. | 2010-2011 |
Strategic Direction | 1758-8588; 0258-0543 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Strategic Outsourcing: An international Journal | 1753-8300; 1753-8297 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
Strategy & Leadership | 1758-9568; 1087-8572 | EMERALD | 1996-2009 |
Structural Survey | 1758-6844; 0263-080X | EMERALD | 1983-2009 |
Studia Lingüística | 1467-9582 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |
Studia Logica | 1572-8730 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Studia Neophilologica | 1651-2308; 0039-3274 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2011 |
Studies in Economics and Finance | 1755-6791; 1086-7376 | EMERALD | 1977-2009 |
Studies in European Cinema | 2040-0594 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2008-2009-2008-2009 |
Studies in Hispanic Cinema | 2040-0608; 1478-0488 | Intellect Ltd Publishing | 2009-2012 |
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part 1 | 0039-3681 | Elsevier | 2010-2011 |
Studies in Language | 1569-9978 | John Benjamins Publishing | 2007-2007 |
Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas | 2050-4845 | Intellect Ltd Publishing | 2013-2016 |
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal | 1758-6852; 1359-8546 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Symbolae Osloenses | 1502-7805; 0039-7679 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007-2010 |
Synthese | 1573-0964 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Target - International Periodical of Translation Studies | 1569-9986 | John Benjamins Publishing | 2007-2007 |
Team Performance Management | 1758-6860; 1352-7592 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Tempo - Quarterly Review of Modern Music | 1478-2286 | Cambridge University Press | 2007-2011 |
Terminology (Amsterdam) | 1569-9994; 0929-9971 | John Benjamins Publishing | 2007-2011 |
Terrae Incognitae | 2040-8706; 0082-2884 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2009-2013 |
The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances | 2054-1724; 0888-045X | EMERALD | 1988-2012 |
The Electronic Library: The international journal for the application of technology in information environments | 1758-616X; 0264-0473 | EMERALD | 1983-2012 |
The International Journal of Children's Rights | 1571-8182 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
The International Journal of Logistics Management | 1758-6550; 0957-4093 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
The International Journal of Organizational Analysis | 1758-8561; 1055-3185 | EMERALD | 2005,2008-2009 |
The Journal of Management Development | 1758-7492; 0262-1711 | EMERALD | 1982-2009 |
The Journal of Risk Finance | 2331-2947; 1526-5943 | EMERALD | 1999-2007-2009 |
The Learning Organization | 1758-7905; 0969-6474 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
The TQM Journal | 1754-274X; 1754-2731 | EMERALD | 2008-2009 |
The TQM Magazine | 1758-6887; 0954-478X | EMERALD | 1988-2007 |
Think | 1755-1196 | Cambridge University Press | 2010-2011 |
Topoi - an International Review of Philosophy | 1572-8749 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1997-2010 |
Tourism Review | 1759-8451; 1660-5373 | EMERALD | 1946-2009 |
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy | 1750-6174; 1750-6166 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Turkish Studies | 1743-9663 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2007-2007 |
Vetus Testamentum | 1568-5330 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Vigiliae Christianae | 1570-0720 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
VINE | 1474-1032; 0305-5728 | EMERALD | 1971-2009 |
Visual Resources | 0197-3762 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2013 |
West European Politics | 1743-9655 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2004-2007 |
Wirtschaftsdienst | 1613-978X | Springer Healthcare Communications | 2005-2010 |
Women in Management Review | 1758-7182; 0964-9425 | EMERALD | 1985-2007 |
Work Study | 1758-7190; 0043-8022 | EMERALD | 1952-1993 |
World Economy, The | 1467-9701 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2010 |
World Wide Web | 1573-1413 | Springer Healthcare Communications | 1998-2010 |
Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers | 1758-7212; 1747-3616 | EMERALD | 2007-2009 |
Youth and Society | 0044-118X | SAGE Publications | 2007 |
Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte | 1570-0739 | Brill Academic Publishers | 2007-2010 |
Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie (Internet) | 1865-9063 | Walter de Gruyter | 2011 |
Zygon | 1467-9744 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1997-2011 |